W’adrhŭn: Hunting Pack

      44,99 €
      49,99 €
      Économisez 10%
      DISPONIBLE en magasin et en expédition expresse
      18 Plastic Miniatures, 3 Cavalry Stands, 3 Cavalry Bases (ea holding 6), 1 Command Card.
      Quantity :
      En stock, 2 articles restants
      Paiements 100% sécurisés

      Dernière fois que ce produit a été ajouté à un panier : 07/05/2023

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      Not all beasts employed by the W'adrhun are hulking monstrosities that dominate the battlefield. They have in fact almost managed to domesticate a smaller breed, affectionately called the uzibukhali, (smart claw). Packs of these feathered menaces roam W'adrhun settlements keeping them clear of vermin and smaller predators in exchange for scraps and access to the charnel pits. In times of war they are easily wrangled into packs and unleashed upon the scouts and forerunners of the enemies force, their cunning and ferocity making them more than a match for more powerful opponents.
      2 Produits

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      W’adrhŭn: Hunting Pack

      44,99 €
      49,99 €
      Économisez 10%