8th Army Weapons Teams

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      Infantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing as they do great tactical flexibility for your force. Sniper teams and anti-tank teams are among the most prevalent, presenting your opponent with multiple challenges to overcome.

      At the outbreak of war, the QF 2-pdr (QF stands for ‘quickfiring’) was the standard anti-tank gun of the British Army. It was an adequate weapon for the time, being slightly more effective in terms of armour penetration then the contemporary German 37mm PaK 36. It was, however, larger and heavier and employed an unusual carriage that required the wheels to be removed before it could fire. Against the early panzers, light vehicles and the poorly armoured Japanese tanks it did well and was popular, meeting success in France, North Africa and the Far East.

      Snipers were armed with a SMLE No.4 Rifle equipped with a No.32 Mk.1 telescopic sight. The team carried fifty rounds of ammunition, five tracer rounds and five armour-piercing rounds. Two No.36 Mills bombs or two No.77 smoke grenades were also carried, along with binoculars and a camouflage net.

      Contains two Bolt Action Order Dice and the following Warlord Resin figures:

      • QRF 2-pdr anti-tank gun with three crew
      • 2-man Sniper team

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      16 autres produits dans la même catégorie :

      8th Army Weapons Teams

      21,60 €
      24,00 €
      Économisez 10%