City States: Promethean

      89,99 €
      99,99 €
      Économisez 10%
      DISPONIBLE en magasin et en expédition expresse
      Monster Dual Kit: 1 Plastic miniature that can either make a Promethean or a Hephaestian, 1 set of Brute Bases and Stands, 2 Command cards.
      Quantity :
      En stock, 5 articles restants
      Paiements 100% sécurisés

      Dernière fois que ce produit a été ajouté à un panier : 04/06/2023

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      When one gazes upon the wonders of a City State; its cyclopean walls, its towering cranes and smokeless foundries, one cannot help but suspect that these wonders cannot have been built by mortal hands alone. And they would not be far wrong. Deep within the bowels of each Acropolis reside the Prometheans, ancient Titanic allies of the Scholae and their founder, whose deep primordial knowledge is responsible for many of the wonders that allow the city states to stand. Rare and fell is the need that rouses one of these ancients to war, for their every blow cracks the enemies will even as it empowers it’s allies. How they play: Sharing the same impressive stat line as the Hephaestian, the Promethean acts as front line supporting caster, strengthening friendly Regimens’ Defense and Clash within 8”. Unlike other Spellcasters however, the Promethean’s spellcasting prowess is directly related to the Hits caused to Enemy Regiments, during a Clash Action. Make sure to keep him close to the front lines for maximum effect!
      5 Produits

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      16 autres produits dans la même catégorie :

      City States: Promethean

      89,99 €
      99,99 €
      Économisez 10%