W’adrhŭn: Scion of Conquest

      22,49 €
      24,99 €
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      DISPONIBLE en magasin et en expédition expresse
      1 Resin Miniature 1 Base 1 Command Card.
      Quantity :
      En stock, 2 articles restants
      Paiements 100% sécurisés

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      Only a War-priest dedicated to Conquest is trusted enough by the Tribal Council to lead troops on the field of battle. Dedicated to the most farsighted and adaptable of Gods, they are the most capable of bringing the true power of the Cult Bands to play in the most hotly contested battles.
      2 Produits

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      16 autres produits dans la même catégorie :

      W’adrhŭn: Scion of Conquest

      22,49 €
      24,99 €
      Économisez 10%